
Pampakuda, Ernakulam (Dist.), Kerala

0485-2274455 , 9946485111
Code: MGE
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IEDC) promote innovation and entrepreneurship among the student and academic fraternity in the institute.It provide students an opportunity to experiment and innovate.
Objectives of IEDC
To design and develop products through innovative projects.
To develop a culture of entrepreneurship among faculty members and students
To promote start-up initiatives from Faculty and Students.
To provide necessary entrepreneurial skill sets among students to become successful entrepreneurs.
Fab Lab Visit on 19.04.2023
The student members of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Center, MGM college of Engineering and Technology, Ernakulam visited Fabrication Laboratory( Fab Lab) at Kerala Technology Innovation Zone( KTIZ), Kochi on 19th April 2023. Fab Lab is a technical prototyping platform for innovation and invention and serves as a platform for learning under Kerala startup mission (KSUM).

IEDC committee formation on 27 August 2023 IEDC committee for the academic year 2023 to 2024 is formed and the following students are elected for the various positions.
Chief Executive Lead : Mathew Joseph.
Technical Lead : Muhammed Aadhil P
Quality and Operational lead : Alwin George
Finance Lead : Agnes C A
Creative and Innovation : Denitta Johnson
Branding and Marketing : Shamilin Shaji
IEDC orientation class for first year students on 25 September 2023
The meeting was started by the IEDC Nodal Officer Assistant Professor Arun Chandrakumar. Mathew Joseph and Denitta Johnson explained the aim of IEDC and grants provided by KSUM. Then IEDC members Misba Banu P and Serah David present the idea of ‘Napkin Dispensing Machine’. Students are divided into five teams and conducted a group discussion on the topic ‘Waste Management’.

Hackathon session for students on 11 October 2023
A session is conducted for convey the importance of hackathon. This session was taken by Professor Shajahan CM. Through this session students got an idea about how hackathon helps to gain access to new ideas, discover new career opportunities and to achieve awards.

Problathon Launching on 19 October 2023
The Problathon program was launched by IEDC Nodal officer Arun Chandrakumar Sir, discussed about the aims, rules and regulations of Problathon. Then made 8 IEDC member working team for the Problathon

Case study presentation on 1 December 2023
Each team present their case study on ‘Student Entrepreneurship’ and following are the case studies of different groups.
Group no.1: Meesho
Group no.2: Walking Stick
Group no.3: Agrima Infotech
Group no.4: Practo
Group no.5: Bluegape
Group no.6: Fixit
Group no.7: Blackbox with intelligence vehicle system
Group no.8: Genrobotics
Group no.9: Qkopy