
Pampakuda, Ernakulam (Dist.), Kerala

0485-2274455 , 9946485111
Code: MGE
Artifical Intelligence

Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is the science that studies and develops methods of making computers more /intelligent/. The focus of this course is on AI fundamental, AI techniques for knowledge representation, search, reasoning, learning and designing intelligent agents. The primary objective of this course is to introduce the basic principles, techniques, and applications of Artificial Intelligence. Become familiar with the basic principles of AI toward problem-solving, inference, perception, knowledge representation, and learning
At MGM College of Engineering and Technology, we offer a comprehensive course in Artificial Intelligence (AI) that will help you become an expert in this exciting field. You'll learn about the scope of AI, including how it's used in real-life scenarios and its potential for future development. With our expert faculty, hands-on training, and cutting-edge tools and techniques, you'll be well-prepared to create innovative solutions in a rapidly evolving field.
The employment opportunities in the field of Artificial Intelligence include
AI Designer Tool Development
Innovative Product design toolbox development.
Development of Migration tools/environment.
AI Technology consultant
AI Technology Architect
AI base game developer And many more..
To emerge as a Center of Excellence in Engineering, Technology and Management by imparting quality education, focussing on empowerment and innovation.
Impart quality professional education for total upliftment of the society.
Create a congenial academic ambience that kindles innovative thinking and research.
Mould competent professionals who are socially committed and responsible citizens.
Department Laboratories
The Department of Computer Science has four Computer Labs with all kinds of Software’s.
Computer Laboratory -1
Labs handled:
EST 102: Programing In C
Intel core i3-processor: 72 nos
Software Installed: Dual boot OS-Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 &Ubundu 14.04.1
Application Software’s: TURBO C++, PYTHON, MS-OFFICE 2007, MATLAB
Staff in Charge: Asst Prof. Suvija S, Asst Prof. Deepa P L
Lab in Charge: Bromy C B
Computer Laboratory -2

Labs handled:
CSD 334: Mini Project
Intel Pentium processor: 106 nos
Software Installed: Dual boot OS-Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 & Ubuntu 14.04.1
Staff in Charge: Asst Prof. Anupriya Mohan, Asst Prof. Elizabeth Anns
Lab in Charge: Bromy C B
Computer Laboratory -3
Section A

Labs handled:
1) CSL 203: Object Oriented Programming Lab (In Java)
2) CSL 332: Networking Lab
3) CSD 334: Mini Project
Intel Pentium processor: 35 nos
Software Installed: Dual boot OS-Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 & Ubuntu 14.04.1
Application Software’s: TURBO C++, JAVA, MS-OFFICE 2007
Staff in Charge: Asst Prof. Suseena Ivan, Asst Prof. Pretty Sebastian
Lab in Charge: Hariprasad
Section B

Labs handled:
1) CSL 201: Data Structures Lab
2) CSL204: Operating Systems Lab
3) CSL 333: Database Management Systems Lab
Intel Pentium processor: 30 nos
Software Installed: Dual boot OS-Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 & Ubuntu 14.04.1
Application Software’s: TURBO C++, JAVA, MS-OFFICE 2007, ORACLE
Staff in Charge: Asst Prof. Alga Baby, Asst Prof. Elizabeth Anns
Lab in Charge: Hariprasad
Computer Laboratory – 4

Labs handled:
1) CSL331: System Software And Microprocessors Lab
Intel Pentium processor: 30 nos
Software Installed: Dual boot OS-Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 & Ubuntu 14.04.1
Application Software’s: TURBO C++, MASM, MS-OFFICE 2007, MATLAB
Staff in Charge: Asst Prof. Chinchu Paulose, Asst Prof. Alga Baby
Lab in Charge: Bromy C B
Departmental Library
A well-equipped library is functioning in the department in addition to the central library. The department has a total of more than 400 books in various streams. The books are arranged subject-wise. The library maintains records of all books/journals and question papers. It has current issues of IT-related journals and periodicals for reference. The library also maintains issue/return reports.